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Philosophie of Numbers
by Magnamentis


The Concept of Validation

Many users of Astrology, Numerology and similar tools to improve our personal level of understanding and the state of our higher self, are repeatedly confronted with the situation, that their results show success and other positive energies simultaneously with the exact opposite energies. This kind of situations are not only difficult to be interpreted by the analyst on one hand, but at the same time provide for welcome arguments for it's opponents, to discard, fight and make look rediculous the entire science. The Problem though lies not with the interpretation itself, but in the weighting of apparantly contradictory results and energies and to put them into the right ralation and context. Therefore the many superficial analyses are not only inaccurate but unfortunately even counterproductive.

The validation concept that is the first time applied and published in the "Philosophy Of Numbers" allocates a value from one to six to each energy and thus gives a tracable and understandable value to each result result, similar to marks at school. The advantage of such a concept will soon become obious. First of all it yields much precision to all of the results. Between one and six are 50/10 which allows for fifty different values per unit. Should you be asking yourself right now why this should be of any value for the overall value of Numerology, then I ask you to simply trying to put the following into one single understandable and comparable word that wiill express the average result, so that anybody can understand and compare it ot previous and later caluculations. You see this is a pointless enterprise, while ( 5 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 4 ) / 6 will provide the understandable and comparable average value of 4.5, that has at least some kind of meaning for anyone who knows that the lowest value is one and that the highest value is 6.

To come back to the reason for all this; what is then the specific benefit of this concept of validation, in relation to the above mentioned problem of the aparantly contradictiory results? The Benefit is simply that we are now able to tranform various semantic information / values into unified and generally understandable numeric values / information. Similar to a computer that cuts down any information into ones and zeros to compute and then will produce an output that means something and can be recognized. And now it comes:

By this means, we are now able to summerize certain topics as we like, meaning that we can now generate average values for freely chosen thematic groups, which as you will easily be able to verify while reading "The Philosophy Of Numbers" can be made useful in many ways. We can now summerize seemingly incompatible and hard to weight results into one or several beneficial and valuable core message and last but not least group those core messages into greater units or split them into smaller units, exactly as we need it.

This again makes visible energies and streams that can withstand any thorough scrutiny and not only that, but with surpriseing astonishing accuracy. You can believe me that it took me quite a some time to digest the full impact of the so-optained accuracy. Another great benefit of this new ly applied concept is, that everyone receives identical results which anyone can retrospectively cross-check and verify, topic by topic, year by year, life-section for life-section. That alone provides a huge amount of comparable output that allows to fine-tune and correct errors and mistinterpretations of the past.

A lack of verifiability as well as lack of clear and precise results were until now significant weeknesses of the methods of analyses and interpretation. Reducing this difficulty has certainly be achieved through this concept of validation, which again is able to improve the benefits of the tool of numerology and even more important, it makes it easier to see the benefits of numerology for anyone who has a minimum of goodwill to do so. Anyway, without that minimum of goodwill, the wish to find truth and get the most out of the tools that ara at our disposal, a significant and positive development of the human spirit is not very probable.

An dieser Stelle möchte ich noch einmal empfehlen sämtliche Abschnitte und Texte dieses Buches zu lesen, und zwar esplizit auch jene Abschnitte welche auf Sie nicht zutreffen oder für Sie nicht von primärem Interesse scheinen. Es wäre ansonsten notwendig gewesen zu jeder Ziffer jedes Themas ein eigenes Buch zu schreiben. Gemeint ist damit, dass viele Aussagen zur Erklärung eines bestimmten Wertes eines Themas, philosophisches Allgemeingut ist und dem allgemeinen Verständnis von kosmischen Abläufen förderlich ist. Solche Erklärungen kommen in diesem Buch gelegentlich im Konkreten Kontext verteilt vor, und werden nicht jedesmal zusammenhangslos wiederholt. Deshalb ist eine vollständige Lektüre im Prinzip unumgänglich.

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Should you be an experienced user of "The Philosophy of Numbers" already, then we hope that we shall be able to surprise you with additional and some new knowledge, so that you and the world surrounding you can enjoy even more life quality through the knewly won insight.

Please make use of the simple form below to benefit from regular informationen about new releases and extensions and to receive the download link for the introduction to "The Philosophy of Numbers".

Further you shall have the opportunity to directly exchange information with us, no matter whether it will be to contribute to the goal of better understanding and/or  to let us know about your personal views and opinions.

Right now we are in the process to implement the entire knowledge into one single book. We shall inform you as soon as we are done with it and you shall have the possibility to receive your personal copy of the book.

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Applied Integrated Numerology By Magnamentis For A Better Understanding of Menkind as well as there Religions, Politics, Philosophy And Fate

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